Create a "Quote of the day" textual story on Instagram. No additional app required.

Click on the STORY tab and import a picture by clicking the photo album section
at the bottom left corner of the story panel.

Import the picture to compliment your story text.

The picture gets imported in a full screen mode in stories by default. Twitch the picture with your fingers and resize it. Do not worry about the placement of the picture right now.
We shall fine tune it as the design proceeds.
Select the font and start typing the text.

Since my mood for the whole textual story is in the minimal Black and White zone,
I choose grey as the prime font color. Black as a color seems too overpowering and making a bold statement. Hence selected the neutral grey zone.

Place the text and check alignment.

Type out the text as a separate layer and experiment with some formatting options.

Continue adding the text as separate layers. This helps playing around with the
text size and colors as individual elements and exercise more creative design freedom.

Place your text and now decide on the alignment of the picture along with the text.

Continue adding the text.

Keep checking the alignment (This is for OCD much design nerds!)

Final alignment checks and minor design tweaks as per your creative sensibilities.

Saw go ahead try it and do tag us on Instagram if you get creative with this tutorial.